Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's 10:04 a.m. - and I left the E.R. at 2 a.m. this morning. 

I went to dinner last night with a group of triplet mothers.  We try and get together once a month and do a meet and greet.  We chat about everything under the sun, but mostly I think I go because it's good to be around people who know how totally "unnormal" my life is.

About halfway into the dinner I thought I was catching a buzz from the 3oz beer that I had tried.  I bit unusual since I'm not a lightweight but non the less, plausable since I don't drink beer that often.

Towards the end of the dinner, I knew there was something wrong.  I didn't know if I was having some sort of blood pressure issue, but clearly my surroundings were becoming unbalanced.

I didn't want to scare anyone, what if this was nothing more than my annual bout of vertigo?  As everyone filed out the door and said their goodbye's, I opted to wait to be last to leave.  I used the table to hold onto while I rose from the table, thinking "Good, good - everything is good, I haven't passed out".  I managed to stand and talk in one spot to a couple of friends who were lingering.  I was doing great! See, nothing to worry about!  As I walked to my car, everything was not good.  It was everything I could do to get there, and once I did I knew I couldn't drive. 

I called home twice, but Jim didn't hear the phone.  What next? What next?  Call the neighbor! Shit, no answer!  Call the other neighbor!! "Please can you send Jack home?  I don't feel well and I can't get in contact with Jim."  Steph assured me that she would send Jack home.  Ok, now Jim's calling me back.  He's been urging me for days to go to the doctor regarding my level of stress.  Jim is on his way to get me, yippee.  However, the 5 minute drive to where I was took 30 minutes because Jack and his friend took their sweet time walking home.

Jim took me to Sharp Memorial hospital where I arrived around 9:15-ish.  Apparently (no joke according to my doctor), this was the bussiest day they have had in the three years since the doctor had worked there.  I got in and had my b/p taken whiche wasn't stroke high but was 160/93.  An EKG-CAT scan - and sugar test were all performed.

As it turns out, everything looked normal except for one thing.  Everything was STILL spinning.  I explained to the doctor that I have a history of vertigo and that, although I didn't think this was it, I couldn't be sure.  He did a test with some light on my eyes and promptly told me that I actually had all of the tell tale signs of vertigo.  My right eye (which is indicative of the sign) was twitching (unbeknownst to me).  He told me that we prescribe some valium, which apparently is the new thing for sleeping with vertigo.  There were also some exercises that I was not aware of that could be done as well.

Jim took the day off of work today, and I don't think he's too happy about it because he got less sleep than me.  However, I think that I can attest to seeing days like this while he was gone.  Just sucks that it has to be this way.

I'm going to go and call the doctor right now to talk about the possibility of Ménière's disease.  Look it up on Wikipedia.  Very interesting stuff.


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